“I can’t see you but I trust that you are there.”

Making space is deep work because it is invasive when grief and loss are present. And when one of those salty grief waves has rolled in, you may ask, "where do I find the space?"


When I needed to feel the comfort of rest, closeness, and quiet, my bed was calling for me in the tender space where the sheer energy of healing had called for my salty tears to collect upon the pillow I lay my head upon.


Making space is complex and is where all the heart work is found. Creating space feels impossible, which is where your Creator will call upon you to keep your eyes fixed on what is unseen. Because, in the heavy, thick moment of grief, what you are feeling and seeing is the byproduct of great love.


Fingertips will grasp at the air, reaching to feel the halo. All that space will feel vast. You'll find yourself inviting humility into the humble humanity of messy healing things. And through time and space, you'll see the message in the messy.


Somewhere along the way, you'll find yourself in the space of sweet surrender. The release of holding on tightly. It will be the surrender of a lifetime and blinking through salty tears of pain, loss, and trauma. They will surrender. And, my friend, you will no longer hold on to trauma. You'll cry hard at this novel experience. The freedom of redefining and creating meaning in your season. And, because you are a brave soul, you will somehow have found yourself in a place of release. You will let go, laying it down at His feet. The dissonance between staying and letting go will be where you grow.


Oh my goodness, friend, you will have just created space. You will ebb and flow in this newfound space. This growth where your trunk withstood the storm of a lifetime. You are upright. You are stronger. You are taller. You are pruned. The trauma has been pruned away from your branches. And you'll see yourself there shining, baring fruit of sweet forgiveness.


And, because you're just getting to the good part, you'll plant more seeds. You will. All those nutrients that went into the planting of your heart will be rooted in the 8th wonder of the world, His healing ways. This is the part you'll place your hand over your heartbeat beating. Head tilted to the sky, you will marvel at what you can't see. Because, friend, you will have peace beyond all understanding, letting you know that you are there.


looking at life through another lens…


What if this season of “I don’t know” is making things I can’t see happen.