We weren't meant to heal alone!

Growing around the pain is a journey. And, it is not something that needs to be *fixed. What if there is nothing to be *fixed? What might it look like to normalize the feelings that accompany pain? Those feelings are tricky and can convince us that there is something wrong.

Let's do something called "reframing."

What if the pain you are feeling is okay? That *feeling reflects what it feels like to love big in this life. What if heartbreak is the byproduct of love, vulnerability, and courage.

That's more like it; that sounds more like T R U T H!

That heartbreak is a compass telling you that you are brave. You chose to give yourself a chance on something. And, maybe it was for a season or a lesson. Perhaps, the heartbreak was intended to be one of your greatest teachers.

We weren't meant to heal alone.

And the work of healing grief and loss is about stepping into the space where that heartbreak requires space to exist. Let it happen. There is nothing wrong with you. You are healing, and this is adaptation. Allow it to wash over you - those salty grief waves - release the control and allow them to wash over those broken heart pieces.

Give yourself permission to be you and to know that you are worthy of support, community, and soothing the sharp edges of your broken heart.

And, when you are ready, remind yourself this, you know how to do brave things. You do. And that you can step out into the light again. Yes, you can! Soak it into your beautiful soul - the sun. Tilt your face to the heavens and soak in the beauty of healing your heart, soul, and revival!

You belong. You matter. And, there's room for you here on, The Porch Swing!


Be a Yes!


turn the page and, Begin Again…