The Thin Veil

I think of you in your heavenly splendor.

I marvel at his wonder.

Sitting parallel the thin veil.

I should've landed on my knees.

I was standing in your halo.

- Carrie Soper

I have been there.

In the halo.

The empty in the air is thick.

The veil is thin.

It is a space in time where time does not exist. Everything stops. Yet, the earth keeps spinning on its axis, rotating through space, making its way around the sun the way it does. And you are grasping at the fragility of life like a whisper in the wind. Breath becomes life and light and spirit.

And blinking through the salty tears, you are there and he is there like gravity pulling him into the space where all the healing is made new again. Rebirth.

And, for a moment, you are there, in all the wonder of the heavenly splendor. Sitting parallel, just you, and the thin veil.

And, for a moment, you feel love in abundance saturating the atmosphere. It is palpable, permeating all the broken heart pieces with peace.

Because friend, for a moment, you were standing in his halo.

You are loved. You are worthy. You are not alone. And when you are ready, I’ll be here tippy-toes swaying on The Porch Swing, where healing happens.


On My Bookshelf


Go Where You Feel…