She made herself WHOLE again

She made herself WHOLE again.

So much goes into the putting-of-the-pieces-together.

It's been a wild adventure! The process of "making herself whole again."

It's been a girl's journey in this sort of foreign new world where the storm of a lifetime ransacked its way through.

Once the storm passed, she looked at the debris of the broken heart pieces scattered about. Some of those broken pieces were exposed to the elements, and other pieces were hidden deep beneath her surface.

The girl took one BRAVE step at a time. Those are the hardest, the first steps.

The girl kept going.

Along the way, she picked one piece up at a time.

Along the way, the girl held each piece in her fingers. Some of the pieces were easy, some were sharp, and the edges would penetrate what was hidden beneath the surface.

Each piece meaningful. Significant. Symbolic. Specific. Useful. Each one wrenching. Healing. Discovery. Exploration.

Each piece writing her story. Etched on her heart. Each one pressed into paper. Each one cultivating space. Each one bringing beautiful to the healing. Each piece marveled upon. Each one weaving together the tapestry of her story.

Kind of like the dipping of HIS paintbrush sweeping its way across the morning sky and promising beautiful life things. Beautiful life things like sunrises and sunsets on the porch swing.

As the Artist weaved His hands through those broken stained glass pieces of her heart, the light slowly peeked through the cracks. Kind of like glimpses of heaven meeting her right where she was. Beautiful life things began to breathe a way through her soul, all over again.

And the most extravagant thing about the ordinary girl's story is that the girl was making herself WHOLE again the entire time.


Open Your Heart


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