It is doing something…


I have been feeling abundant gratitude radiating through my heart for this community. Honestly, I wish my human words could muster up the joy reverberating through my soul in birthing this beautiful dream come true of, The Porch Swing KC. 

Never. Ever. In the thick of it all, did I ever think my feet would have landed in a space to take all the pain and have it collide into a purpose. I mean, how is something good to come at the cost of surrendering your heart.

Even more, for all of it to bless others walking through a difficult season. That, for me, feels worth it. That doesn't mean I don't feel tender moments or that my pain is gone. It's just pivoted. The pain has pivoted. 

If there is anything I can offer, it's this; nothing, absolutely nothing, is wasted. I don't know how these things work. And quite frankly, I stopped trying to make sense of life circumstances that my human mind just can't make sense of. But, what I do know is that it is doing something. 

Friend, I know it sure does not feel like it. And, if you were sitting here next to me on the porch swing swaying, I'd wrap the biggest hug around your bleeding heart. I'd gently hold space for your space in healing. As we clung to the warmth of our hands wrapped around one of those mix-matched coffee mugs, we'd sway our day away, doing healing things. And, as the wood grain collected all the salty tears worthy of being collected, I'd whisper something along the lines of this;

"I need you to tap into those reserves."

And, for good measure, just like your favorite song lyrics, I'd repeat; 

"I need you to tap into your reserves."

That 10% you're surviving on may feel weak. But, friend, it is quite the opposite. That 10% is mighty! It’s where the magic happens. 

And, as we swayed back and forth. Sipping on copious amounts of French-pressed coffee. I'd muster up every ounce of empathy; this heart of mine could pour into your thirsty cup.

And, with a convicted belief in your human healing heart, I'd whisper, "friend hold onto the knowing that your dark season is temporary. This temporal season is not easy, and it's likely what feels like the crucifixion of self. Friend, I need you to keep pivoting. It is doing something."

I know you might not see how your pain is birthing something new. But, this is part is the part where tapping into your reserves will cultivate a supernatural trust in this brutal yet beautiful birthing of something being made new. 

Because, friend, your life experience(s) are worthy of being witnessed. They just are.

And, then, one day, it'll be like you're looking at your life through a different lens. The lens will zoom out, allowing you to see more of the picture. You'll see how that "one time when" you tapped into your reserves, although it certainly didn't feel like it at the moment, you'll see that the entire time, maybe, just maybe, it was doing something. 


Dear Kurt


One Step at a Time!